Harris Tweed – Classic British Wool Fabric Blazer (Pre-order)
Harris Tweed – Classic British Wool Fabric Blazer (Pre-order)
Harris Tweed – Classic British Wool Fabric - Grey
Pre-order item (within 15-20days)
This blazer is crafted from premium Harris Tweed wool, featuring a slightly relaxed fit that allows for comfortable wear. Whether for daily use or formal occasions, it's easy to pair with any outfit. The acorn buttons add a distinctive touch to every detail.
The Harris Tweed Authority mandates the use of 100% unprocessed wool, spun and dyed on the islands of Harris and Lewis in the Western Isles of Scotland, before being handwoven into fabric.
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Harris Tweed 闊身西裝外套
Harris Tweed 英國老牌羊毛布料
這款西裝外套,這次重磅選用了Harris Tweed羊毛布料,微寬鬆的設計,令你可以更自在地穿搭,無論日常或正式場合,都可以輕鬆搭配。而橡果鈕扣更為每個細節加分。
Harris Tweed Authority 規定必需使用百分百未經加工的羊毛,在蘇格蘭西部一帶,以哈里斯島及路易斯島為首的島嶼紡紗及漂染,最後用人手編織而成的衣料。